I have said it hundreds of times, my nephew Makhi Sumstad, is the strongest person that I know. In August he became ill with gas gangrene. Within a mater of hours we thought that we were going to loose him forever. Luckily, everyone around him acted quickly and made decisions that ultimately saved his life.
Makhi's story was shown tonight on Channel 9 News. They highlighted how the infection spread quickly through his body and how they had to amputate his left arm to save his life. It is truly a remarkable story about a truly remarkable person. There is a link to his recent news stories on his website under the News link on the homepage. Here is Makhi's website: http://www.helpmakhisumstad.com/.
I remeber looking at his chubby little face shortly after he was born and thinking, 'he is here to do something amazing". At the age of 6 he already has. It just makes me wonder what other amazing things he is going to accomplish in his life. Only time will tell.
I love you Makhi! XOX